Friday 8 September 2017

Money Mindset

Let's face it, for many of us whenever someone mentions the word 'money' our stomachs lurch, we get a nauseous feeling or we start panicking!

Why is that? And how do we change it?

If you want to know some simple steps to changing your money mindset then write YES PLEASE in the comments!

Tuesday 8 August 2017

Don't laugh!!

One of the biggest reasons for procrastinating, for not taking that first step, for not taking is action is FEAR!

We are conditioned very early in life to not stick your head up and be different. Why? Because it feels awful when people laugh and point at you.

To avoid that feeling, we quickly adopt a strategy of:
- low profile
- unassuming
- conformity
- be safe
- don't risk
- shun the light

It is totally understandable.
Who in their right mind would want to make themselves a target for horrible people behaving horribly?

But is that right?

Should we live our life according to the reaction of others?


So I have put my money where my mouth is and started my YouTube channel - here is the link

It has taken me years to start it.
Because I was prejudging the reaction of others.
I delayed it and made excuses to justify to why I was right to not start it.

There are lots of phrases in English called idioms - they are sayings that have been around for years - and they help perpetuate people not doing what they want. I will do another blog on idioms but here is an example -

'Don't blow your own trumpet'

Well that may have been good advice but if you don't blow your trumpet I guarantee that no one else will and you will never be heard.

So, if you have been waiting for some reason to do something, go have a look at my You Tube channel, have a laugh, like it, comment and SUBSCRIBE because if just ONE other person starts today as a result then that will feel FANTASTIC!!

Come on...Let's Get Going!